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Decalogue, inquiries about the 10 commandments

Curatorial project

During 2008/2009, 10 theater directors from Argentina and 10 playwrights from Mexico, Uruguay, and Spain, investigate the universe of moral theology and question its political incidence in the present, resulting in 10 theatrical performances.

  1. LA GRACIA, AMARÁS A DIOS SOBRE TODAS LAS COSAS (The Grace, you shall have no other gods before Me). Written by Lautaro Vilo. Directed by Rubén Szuchmacher.
  2. TODOS LOS MIEDOS, NO TOMARÁS EL NOMBRE DE DIOS EN VANO (All the fears, you shall not take the name of the Lord your God in vain). 2008. Written by Mariana Chaud. Directed by Romina Paula.
  3. SANTIFICARÁS LAS FIESTAS (You will sanctify the holidays, remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy). (2008) Written by Concepción León Mora. Directed by Andrea Garrote.
  4. TRAS NOSOTRAS LA LLUVIA, HONRARÁS A TU PADRE Y A TU MADRE (After us the rain, honor your father and your mother) Written by Jerónimo Cornelles. Directed by Andrés Binetti.
  5. ESTE AMOR ES UNA FIESTA, NO MATARÁS (This love is a party, you shall not murder) Written by Agustina Muñoz. Directed by Mariela Asensio.
  6. CUENTOS PUTOS, NO COMETERÁS ACTOS IMPUROS (Fucking tales, you shall not commit adultery) Written by Alejandro López. Directed by Inés Saavedra.
  7. NENA, NO ROBARÁS (Baby, you shall not steal). Written by Dani Umpi. Directed by Maruja Bustamante.
  8. EUFEMOS, O LA MERIENDA DE LOS NEGROS, NO DARÁS FALSOS TESTIMONIOS CONTRA TU PRÓGIMO (You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor) Written by Edgar Chías. Directed by Matías Feldman.
  9. TODO CUANTO HACE ES VIENTO, NO DESEARÁS A LA MUJER DE TU PRÓJIMO (All it does is wind, thou shalt not covet the neighbor’s wife). Written by Angélica Lidell. Directed by Guillermo Cacace.
  10. LA NOVEDAD, NO CODICIARÁS LOS BIENES AJENOS (The novelty, you shall not covet). Written by Santiago Gobernori. Directed by Bernardo Cappa.
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