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Operas Primas

Curatorial project

Matías Umpierrez created in 2007 a program that promotes the debut of young artists in the performing arts and that is still in place at the Rector Ricardo Rojas Cultural Center of the University of Buenos Aires. The Óperas Primas program has so far supported more than 60 emerging artists. The following are the editions of the first 8 years, where Matías Umpierrez was its curator.

  • 2014. SERÉ TU MADRE TRANQUILA. Written and Directed by Ariel Gurevich.
  • 2014. ONJ. Written by Lautaro Caminovich. Directed by Bimbo Godoy.
  • 2014. EL ESTADO NATURAL. Written and Directed by Paula Salomón.
  • 2013. DOBERMAN. Written and Directed by Azul Lombardía.
  • 2013. DERROTERO O LAS AUSENTES. Written and Directed by Juan Ignacio Bianco.
  • 2013. LA MAREA. Written and Directed by Josefina Recio.
  • 2012. A DÓNDE VAN LOS CORAZONES ROTOS. Written and Directed by Cinthia Edul.
  • 2012. SOÑAR DESPIERTO ES LA REALIDAD. Written and Directed by Mariana de la Mata.
  • 2012. LA TIERRA TENDRÁ DOS SOLES. Written and Directed by Luis Garay.
  • 2011. IRREAL. Written and Directed by Silvia Giusto.
  • 2011. Y CUANDO NO TE QUIERA, SERÁ DE NUEVO EL CAOS. Written and Directed by Matías Piñeiro.
  • 2011. LA VIDA BOCA ARRIBA. Written and Directed by Candela García Sciaroni.
  • 2010. ATLÁNTICA SARA. Written and Directed by Juan José Santillán.
  • 2010. SUEÑO CON CEBOLLAS. Written and Directed by Natalia Casielles.
  • 2009. ROCÍO. Written and Directed by Lucía Panno.
  • 2009. JUSTO EN EL VACÍO. Directed by Alejandro Cervera.
  • 2009. RESPLANDOR. Directed by Anahí Martella.
  • 2008. NADA TE TURBE, NADA TE ESPANTE. Directed by Pablo Rotemberg.
  • 2008. DOS MIL TREINTA Y CINCO. Written and Directed by Elisa Carricajo.
  • 2008. NELIDORA. Written by Santiago Loza. Directed by Anahí Berneri.
  • 2007. EL TROMPO METÁLICO. Written and Directed by Heidi Steinhardt.
  • 2007. EL AMOR EN LOS TIEMPOS DEL DENGUE. Written by Daniel Link. Directed by Saula Benavente.
  • 2007. BOCETO SOBRE UNA INGLESA DE CIERTA EDAD. Written and Directed by Gabriel Fernández Chapo, Geraldine Seff.
  • 2007. DOS CIRUJAS. Written and Directed by Daniel Guebel.
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