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Parallel Worlds program

Curatorial projects

This project brings together a series of theater pieces that reflect parallel worlds, perhaps possible or not, of some physical/virtual/emotional system that exists or could exist… even if it is in fiction. Five plays are placed on stage, saturated territories, wars in unsuspected cosmographies, duplicate realities, and an uncertain past, present or future.

The plays and performances commissioned for this program were:

  • EL GATO DE SCHRÖDINGER by Santiago Sanguinetti (Uruguay) | Directed by Pablo Seijo (Argentina). Presented in Timbre 4. Video link:
  • EL FANTASMA DE LA NORMALIDAD by Saara Turunen (Finland) | Directed by Sebastián Kalt (Argentina). Presented in El Cultural San Martín. Video link:
  • TURMA By Vedrana Klepica (Croacia)| Diected by Azul Lombardía (Argentina). Presented in Anfitrión Theater. Video link:
  • LO SALVAJE by Mariana Silva Yrigoyen (Perú) | Directed by Nacho Ciatti (Argentina). Presented in Espacio Callejón. Video link:
  • ABNEGACIÓN 3 by Alexandre Dal Farra (Brazil) | Directed by Lisandro Rodríguez (Argentina). Presented in Estudio Los Vidrios. Video link:

The project PARALLEL WORLDS program was presented at the III Festival Internacional de Dramaturgia in co-production with Plataforma Fluorescente, INAE & Dirección Natural de Cultura de Uruguay (Uruguay), TINFO Nordic Drama Corner and Instituto iberoamericano de Finlandia (Finland), Croatian ITI center (Croatia), Sala de Parto and Teatro la Plaza (Peru), OFF produções culturais (Brazil), Teatro Timbre 4 Centro Cultural San Martín Teatro Anfitrión Espacio Callejón and Estudio Los Vidrios (Argentina).

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