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Virtual play

Multiple screens. 5 musicians on stage. 4 actresses live in Paris, Hamburg, Buenos Aires and New York. Love trough 7000km intervened by an eclectic fusion of happy memories, melancholic melodies, family archives, hidden files, images of oblivion, delirious consumption. This unique set up developed by Matias Umpierrez, challenges the boundaries of stage, opening the doors of the theatre into the virtual era multiplying the stimulus resulting in a set up plagued by action and intensity.

With this show we try to reveal how the theatre can enter into the virtual system, taking its signs and stimulation to cross their own boundaries. In Distancia, the stage broadens and quintuples in a virtual way, thanks to a real time operated streaming. The text is built in 4 languages, and it’s decoded by the simultaneous text and sound, at the same time the dramaturgy weaves with the hypertext *hyperlink*. The time dimension became relative> there is a present that unfolds itself in the simultaneity of different time uses.

The sound and the music interlace in a virtual way thanks to the manipulation of instruments and voices that come electronically trough the distance. The audience can relate to its experience as a user of modern technologies, living, editing, and operating in their own minds the reality that is being offered. At last, we assist to virtual theatre piece, penetrating into a world that exists only for the observer /in the short time they are a part of it/ and that will persist in the memory of a computer.



Marina Bellati | Live from Buenos Aires | Argentina

Marie Piemontese | Live from París | France

April Sweeney | Live from New York | United States

Anne Weber | Live from Hamburg | Germany



Sebastián Roascio Goldar | Drums

Augustín Uriburu, Lucas Argomedo | Cello & Guitar

Santiago Mazzanti | Bass

Javier Martinez | Violin

Rafael Sucheras | Piano


German translation: Maren Schiefelbein

English translation: Patricia Masera, April Sweeney

French Translation: Julie Coupet

Music: Rafael Sucheras

Set designer: Mariana Tirantte

Systems design: Matías Fabro

Photo: Sebastian Arpesella

Assistance mapping: Alejandro Magneres

Assistance of set design: Gonzalo Cordoba Estevez

Production assistant: Rodrigo Pérez

Assistant director: Malena Juanatey

Executive production: Florencia Wasser

Concept, play & direction: Matías Umpierrez


Length: 75 minutes

Distancia is a production by Cultural San Martín and Goethe-Institut with the support of  Panorama Sur and Institut Français D’Argentine

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