Soap Opera

Previous slide Next slide Novela (Soap opera) Theater Novela (soap opera) is the journey of a fiction, of a game, of a sublimated reality. Sublimated by someone who mourns a past, a love, a soap opera. Everyone is part of the game, of the game that recreates this dismal and sad fact. The mother asks […]

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The Magic Flute

Previous slide Next slide The Magic Flute Opera Dreams, videos, bodies, faces. Virtual and virtual figures that are born and perish, are formulated and reformulated. The scene is torn between light and darkness. The soloists, the choir, the orchestra are presented as a mechanism of this great factory. The crossing between the physical and the

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Previous slide Next slide TeatroSOLO-LONEtheater Site specific intervention performance TeatroSOLO ® LONEtheater exposes the audience to a primal experience that dates back to the first sparkle of theatricality: the oral tradition. Through performance interventions that take place in five specific sites in a city, each spectator steps into different stories, or theatrical pieces, that remain

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Previous slide Next slide Landscape Short film In this film the artists Matías Umpierrez wonder what happens after a tragedy? What happens when all speeches are gone because war took everything away? This short film is a landscape that unfolds several textures: the main character’s inner landscape and that other, outer landscape that becomes fused

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Previous slide Next slide Constructions Video installation How is a myth formed in these contemporary times? The project Constructions starts off with this question and trusts in the orality and the artistic intervention to desecrate the anonymous entity of the myth and the illusion of truth of the documentary. So… individuals whose journey takes more

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Previous slide Next slide Distance Virtual play Multiple screens. 5 musicians on stage. 4 actresses live in Paris, Hamburg, Buenos Aires and New York. Love trough 7000km intervened by an eclectic fusion of happy memories, melancholic melodies, family archives, hidden files, images of oblivion, delirious consumption. This unique set up developed by Matias Umpierrez, challenges

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drama HOME

. Previous slide Next slide dramaHOME Site specific intervention In DramaHOME, 7 women, 7 housewives, 7 ex-professional workers are in conversation with the outside, while hidden in their own homes.  Through electronic screens placed in front of their homes or apartments the women write throughout the day their thoughts, dreams, fears… their own daily fictions. These screens, instead of transmitting advertisements, announce the hidden voices of these professional women silenced by domestic

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The Forests

Previous slide Next slide Previous slide Next slide The Forests Video installation performance What is the first fiction we perceive? Borges said that dreams are small plays, the first form of drama with several characters. In a world of violent metamorphosis, where reality fades into dreams and dreams become real, there is a forest of

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The Museum of Fiction

Previous slide Next slide The Museum of Fiction Video installation performance The Museum of Fiction proposes a dialogue regarding the shift that dramatic action can provokein a museum-collection-conservation-exhibition-time system. By challenging fiction’s temporal-spatiallimits, it tries to find a possible “museumification”, or a unique way to keep the dramatic construction for the present and future collective

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DRAMATURGY FOR A CONFERENCE Curatorial project Fluorescent Platform Creation platform The International Dramaturgy Festival Festival Manual Project Curatorial project Unknown urbanity Curatorial project Performance Revolution Rojas Curatorial project Rojas Interventions Curatorial project Theater Laboratory Curatorial project Decalogue, inquiries on the 10 commandments Curatorial project Dramaturgy in motion Curatorial project Decentralized exhibition Curatorial project OPERAS PRIMAS


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